Pawsitively Doobylicious Treats: Tail-Wagging Goodness for Your Pup!


February 20, 2022

I was referred to Misti because of my aging German Shepherd Claire. Now 13, Claire has been consistently taking DoobySnax (25mg) and/or a dropper full of oil in her water bowl for almost a year now! I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Claire has arthritis, tends to be a little anxious at times, the vet says it could be because of the pain of her arthritis. Not only do I see more mobility in my pup, I see a healthier coat, a less aggressive demeanor (more relaxed) wonderful eating habits. However, that is not the best part.... Claire had to undergo surgery in a March for cancer in her spleen, tumors on her body, a spaying procedure. At the time we were told the surgery was a 50/50 shot for her to live a few weeks after, and without the surgeries she wasn’t gonna make it more than a couple weeks. We opted to try the surgery and in her recovery I gave her CBD (from Misti) if this old saucy girl wasn’t up trying to chase tennis balls three days later!!!!!! We actually had to kennel her so she didn’t hurt herself trying to play. Now of course the surgery helped get rid of the “icky” but that recovery time was unheard of. Even the vet could not believe how well, quick and strong she began to heal. That was March 2018.... and I’m happy to report she is still alive and saucy. She also had 2 seizures over the course of 1 year. The first one we knew nothing about CBD. It was heartbreaking, we were out of town and didn’t know what to do for her on the road. We spent 3 days in a hotel basically cuddling her back to normal and hand feeding her and seeing a very small minimal improvements. So small I was convinced it was time to put her down. She came out of it, this happened again almost a year later, I happened to have her cbd oil with me. I shot some into her mouth, by the end of the night she was normal, responsive, eating and drinking water. This stuff has been amazing in every way and in my personal opinion, it is a must for ever senior dog. I also use it for my 2 young dogs. Their stories are next.

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