Pawsitively Doobylicious Treats: Tail-Wagging Goodness for Your Pup!

Franklin the destroyer!

March 20, 2023

Franklin the destroyer!
Ok I’m in awe! I’m so regretting not finding your product sooner… Franklin is my rescue shephard mix and he’s been a terrorist. I’ve been trying to kennel him in a large kennel in the garage while I’m at work because he chews everything up in sight. Yesterday I gave him his first dose of the 50mg snax you make. I was home and could definitely see a change in him and he was sooooo relaxed and happy. Well today my dog Walker came by for his walk and she talked about the change in him. He didn’t freak out trying to get out of the kennel and she said he’s calmer and taking his time on the walk. I didn’t tell her about giving him the CBD!!! I have tried pet store CBD and honestly didn’t believe it worked. I’m soooo thankful for you. I’m going to send you a few pics of what he’s done when he’s escaped his kennel for reference. Again, thank you. And thank you for taking the time to explain the dosing and process to begin administering the CBD. You have a committed new client in us😂

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