Pawsitively Doobylicious Treats: Tail-Wagging Goodness for Your Pup!

Wholesome Ingredients

Dooby Snax are made of wholesome, all natural ingredients that serve a purpose for our pets.  My nutrition background led me to want more for my pups after witnessing adverse reactions to medications, food and environmental allergies along with the things we dread...Cancer, seizures and other ailments. 

DATES are a filled with antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals in our bodies.   They are also packed with vitamins B, A and C.  Dates promote better memory, less anxiety and are packed with fiber that aid in digestion (BINGO), bone health and have low glycemic levels.  Post surgery or medication, cleansing the gut is vital!

All Natural CBD Dog Treats FIGS are an amazing source of Vitamins: A, C, K, B, Potassium, Magnesium, Copper and Iron. These vitamins coupled with the fact that they are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, aid in overall hair, skin, digestive and bone health. Hair regrowth in our vitamin depeleted fur kids is AMAZING from their snax consumption. 

ROSE HIPS aid in the reduction of arthritis, stomach and intestinal inflammation and urinary tract infections while boosting the respiratory and immune system, increasing blood flow, kidney function and toxin elimination from the body. They also compliment our DATES anti-cancer properties and are packed full of vitmains (C,A,E)  minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc) and antioxidants (flavonoids, phytochemicals, carotenoids). Kelp provides extraordinary amounts of iodine and other minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids, omega-3 fats and fiber.

KELP nutirents are commonly linked to your thyroid gland. Kelp is one of the most abundant sources of Iodine, a key component of hormones in the thyroid. It is potent enough to protect against cancer and radiation exposure, detox, support normal brain development in babies, and maintain healthy eyes, skin and hair.  AGAIN with skin and coat!

BEE POLLEN is considered the most nourishing food, rich in protein, free amino acids, vitamins, B complex and folic acid. It has anti-cancer and antibiotic properties and contain all the essential nutrients required by humans. Bee pollen also aids in allergy relief and is a key ingredient in our Snax!  Dooby Snax Bee Pollen is sourced locally, never diluted, properly dried and never sprayed. 

SWEET POTATO flour is made by yours truely!  I shred 80 pounds at at time, dehydrate for 16-20 hours and then 3 phase grind into flour.  What doesn't grind down is what you see on the outside of the treat to prevent them from sticking together!  Sweet Potato is also a healthy fiber for our pups as they are rich in Beta-Carotene, high in fiber, low fat and full of minerals. My favorites though...They AID in digestion (DOUBLE BINGO), reduce risks of cancer, support healthy vision and microbiomes. 

ALMOND BUTTER for sweetness, binding and flavor!

TURMERIC for inflammation, arthritis and joint pain!  It also reduces blood clots, boosts the immune system, breaks down dietary fats and is loaded with antioxidants.

FIG POWDER helps bind and compliments the dates.

TAPIOCA FLOUR is a highly digestible carbohydrate, excellent source of energy and no added sugar.