Pawsitively Doobylicious Treats: Tail-Wagging Goodness for Your Pup!


February 20, 2022

This is Ace, he is almost a year and a half. I have been giving him CBD for 2 reasons... 1. I can’t give his sister a treat without giving him one, he won’t allow it. And 2. This poor little guy has the absolute most sensitive stomach I have ever seen on a dog. About the only thing that would easy his tummy issues were a very bland diet, which is helpful but not sustainable. Within a few days of starting him on CBD I noticed no stomach grumbling, diarrhea became less and less. He seemed to have gotten to a point where he didn’t like to eat, we always felt because his stomach always seemed upset. It didn’t matter the food, vet appts, testing for parasites. He was ruled as having a sensitive stomach. We would never give him treats, because I was terrified to come home to a poopy mess . After the CBD I’m happy to report a beautiful shiny coat, a HUGE appetite and absolutely no stomach sensitivity. Even the things prescribed by the vets didn’t work this well. Natural all the way!

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